Thursday, May 28, 2009

Project Get Fit

So, Today, I came up with Project Get Fit. Another name for it could be the "Get Fit Challenge." I want to carry it out this summer. At the end of the summer, or mid-August, I want to be in very good shape, and look very pretty. I plan on doing this by consuming a relatively low carb diet, and healthy stuff, and exercising every day. I want to do a lot of hiking and weights, and add in some other exercises too. I want to have a lot of fun. Maybe I will even do some more swimming! Good Day!


Mary Rebekah said...

I wish I could do it too. . . and in fact, I was planning on running today. But I didn't stop working until like close to 6 p.m., and then I hooked up the new internet modem, and then I got online, because I hadn't been online since Texas, and then it was supper, and then the driving lesson. . You know, its hard to find motivation to run after being on your feet all day working, practically. . But anyway, I am supper proud of you, and I will see what I can do. 'Course we know your real motive for all of this! ; )

AshB said...

I love it! You girls are so beautiful because you allow Jesus to be seen through you! You inspire me!! Love you!